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ID.3 Life - Voice Control Demonstration - 0564 - AWOL

1 Views· 12/09/24
21 Subscribers

The new ID.3 is designed to be controlled by voice with most physical controls missing and the functions only accessible behind multiple screens/menus.
As demonstrated in this short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85GRvBCTudc
For me with a 2020 ID.3 Business Pro the reality is at least on software version 0564 very different.
I expect this is because the ID.3 is a vehicle in development and software versions 0783 and beyond will match the advertised behaviour.
0.00 - voice control is not available when you first enter the vehicle
0.50 - it turns out voice control is not able to control climate
1:00 - "play radio 4" is interpreted as an address (not as shown in VW video)
1:30 - "play radio 2" exactly as shown in VW video takes me to navigation
3:00 - still won't play the radio
3.20 - "drive to cardigan terrace newcastle" - too complex
3:50 - say full address - city "Newcastle" - take me to Maer
4:20 - "line 4" finally takes me to Newcastle
4:50 - "cardigan terrace" never recognised
5:40 - "play BBC radio 4" gave 2 choices
6:00 - play radio at inaudible volume
6:20 - "Increase volume" and repeat and repeat and repeat

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Sneha 1 month ago


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