RadhaKrishna | Janu Na Mein | Surya Raj Kamal
@SURYARAJKAMAL @shakunisesunebateinankahee718
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Video Created By - Rinku Bharti
Music Composer - Surya Raj Kamal
Lyrics - Gufi Paintal
Singer - Aditi Banerjee
Copyright Disclaimer - I am the Music Composer for this song hence copying the music/song without my permission would be copyright infringement leading to strict legal action.
Note - The images in this video are from Google and Pinterest which are for presentation purposes only and no copyright infringement intended.
Contact us on:-
Instagram - https://instagram.com/surya_ra....j_kamal?igshid=1cgw9
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/surya.r.kamal
Youtube - https://youtu.be/bUxf7-X8M8w
Email id - suryarajkamal@gmail.com