Top Tier on Tour - Sasha's Arcade [HD]
Join me, as we take Top Tier Arcade on Tour! Top Tier on Tour is a video series that highlights arcades around my area and abroad. We review the arcade, its games, entertainment, attractions and overall appeal and feel.
On this tour, we finally visit Sasha's Arcade. We talk to Sasha and he gives us an in-depth tour of his arcade, what he currently has in his collection and what's coming next...
All this and much more in this video...
Arcade Machines:
-Super Punch-out!
-Bubble Bobble
-Missile Command
-Star Wars
-Neo-Geo 4 Slot
-Star Trek
-Spy Hunter
-Major Havok
-Ms Pac-Man
-Pole Position II
-Lunar Lander
-Asteroids Deluxe
-Other Cool Stuff:
-Wild Things slot machine
-Wall of monitors
-Wall of PCB's
-Work bench
-Mini beer fridge
Find Sasha on KLOV username: cossack warrior
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