Universal Ledger POC Results: Infrastructure Components
This video overviews a multiple month effort at establishing potential infrastructure components for a universal ledger, conducted March and April 2019. The system includes: Vagrant, CentOS, Apache Spark for analytical use, Derby Database, and Play Framework as the web server and authoring tool. All these components run in the Vagrant VM; results from the web server are viewed on the VM host.
The different segments of the video can be found as follows:
- Overview 0:00
- Vagrant 1:33
- Initialization Script 9:25
- Derby Script 12:05
- Apache Spark 12:40
- Play Framework 14:00
A blog description of this project is available here: https://ledgerlearning.com/202....0/05/22/universal-le This is another episode of Coding with Kip, the technical sub-series of Conversations with Kip, the best financial system vlog there is. Literally learn more--about ledgers and financial systems--at http://www.FinancialSystemsEducation.com. Watch the series in order at https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PL2UrMfZzcfv