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YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?

17 Views· 12/13/24
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To celebrate 2013, we invited some YouTubers to star in a mashup of popular moments this year. Can you spot all the references?
WATCH THE TOP VIDEOS OF 2013: http://yt.be/rewind

Can you name all the YouTube stars in the video? Did you get all the references to the top videos and memes of the year? (Also look for the secret, easter egg video annotations!)

Best watched in HD!

Music remixed by DJ Earworm: http://youtube.com/djearworm
The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) by Ylvis: http://goo.gl/Z2Q6sq
Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke: http://goo.gl/8tcnhU
Can't Hold Us by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: http://goo.gl/o1wclM
Get Lucky by Daft Punk: http://goo.gl/9Z1rc1
Gentleman by PSY: http://goo.gl/X3bw7M
Harlem Shake by Baauer: http://goo.gl/fOQmFX

Kid President - http://youtube.com/soulpancake
Ryan Higa - http://youtube.com/nigahiga
MysteryGuitarMan - http://youtube.com/mysteryguitarman
Kassem G - http://youtube.com/kassemg
GloZell - http://youtube.com/glozell1
Blogilates - http://youtube.com/blogilates
Kaycee Rice - http://youtube.com/brads411
I.aM.mE - http://www.youtube.com/user/IaMmECrew
DeStorm - http://youtube.com/DeStorm‎
Taryn Southern - http://youtube.com/TarynSouthern
Bethany Mota - http://youtube.com/Macbarbie07
Brandon Laatsch - http://youtube.com/freddiew‎
Jenna Marbles - http://youtube.com/JennaMarbles‎
Hannah Hart - http://youtube.com/MyHarto
Rhett & Link - http://youtube.com/RhettandLink‎
Tobuscus - http://youtube.com/Tobuscus‎
Convos With My 2-Year-Old - http://youtube.com/ConvosWith2YrOld‎
Alison Gold - http://youtube.com/patomuzic
Mike Tompkins - http://youtube.com/pbpproductions
Epic Meal Time - http://youtube.com/EpicMealTime
Tori Locklear - http://youtube.com/vickyraye
Chester See - http://youtube.com/chestersee‎
Jimmy Fallon - http://youtube.com/latenight‎
Laina - http://youtube.com/wzr0713
Tyler Oakley - http://youtube.com/tyleroakley‎
Prancercise - http://youtube.com/Prancercise
Quest Crew - http://www.youtube.com/user/QuestDanceCrew
Girls' Generation - http://youtube.com/SMTOWN
Marina Shifrin - http://youtube.com/mvsdzb
The Fine Bros - http://youtube.com/TheFineBros‎
Hikakin - http://youtube.com/HIKAKIN
D-Trix - http://youtube.com/theDOMINICshow
Sam Horowitz - http://goo.gl/1U60fn
Bart Baker - http://youtube.com/BartBaker
Jack Hoffman - https://www.youtube.com/user/HuskerAthletics
Barely Political - http://youtube.com/barelypolitical
Alex Day - http://youtube.com/nerimon
Annoying Orange - http://youtube.com/daneboe
Dave Days - http://youtube.com/davedays
Kaleb Nation - http://www.youtube.com/kalebnation
Jamie Oliver - http://youtube.com/JamieOliver‎
iJustine - http://youtube.com/ijustine
Epic Rap Battles of History - http://youtube.com/ERB‎
Porta Dos Fundos - http://youtube.com/portadosfundos‎
Magic of Rahat - http://youtube.com/MagicofRahat‎
SORTED Food - http://youtube.com/sortedfood‎
Cookie Monster - http://youtube.com/SesameStreet
Macklemore - http://youtube.com/RyanLewisProductions
Corridor Digital - http://youtube.com/CorridorDigital
The Slow Mo Guys - http://youtube.com/theslowmoguys
Smosh - http://youtube.com/smosh
Jimmy Kimmel - http://youtube.com/JimmyKimmelLive‎
Nick Selby - http://youtube.com/rupumped
Grace Helbig - http://youtube.com/dailygrace
FreddieW - http://youtube.com/freddiew‎
PewDiePie - http://youtube.com/PewDiePie
...and more!

Created by YouTube & Portal A
Full credits: http://portal-a.com/rewind

WATCH THE TOP VIDEOS OF 2013: http://yt.be/rewind
WATCH THE BEHIND-THE-SCENES: http://yt.be/rewind/bts
WATCH THE EFFECTS BEFORE & AFTER: http://goo.gl/d0viKl

The Screaming Sheep https://youtu.be/SIaFtAKnqBU
Goats Yelling Like Humans: http://youtu.be/nlYlNF30bVg
Dead Giveaway by schmoyoho: http://youtu.be/nZcRU0Op5P4

The American Humane Association was present during this production. No animals were harmed in those scenes.

Inspired by Talia Joy: http://youtube.com/taliajoy18

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Sneha 3 months ago


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